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Four Generations of Homebuilders

Four generations of homebuilders in the Dayton area have established the Simms Tradition, recognized throughout the building industry. With nearly a century of developing some of the finest neighborhoods in the Dayton area, the Simms family has continually met the demands of today’s homebuyers.

In 1903, the Wright Brothers conducted

In 1903, the Wright Brothers conducted flying practice runs at Simms Station, the Simms family farm. Since then, Dayton’s history and the Simms name have been intertwined. Four generations of homebuilders in the Dayton area have continued the Simms Tradition that is recognized throughout the building industry.

1942-1945 - Quality Comes First

Alexander Simms became a major developer and builder in the Miami Valley, sparking the next 3 generations of building and pioneering the Simms Tradition of “Quality Comes First.” In a move ahead of its time, Alex’s wife Dorothy Simms took over the business while Alex became a fighter pilot in WWII as part of the war effort overseas and back home.

1954 - Practical Builder Award

The Practical Builder Trophy was awarded to W.A. Simms for “Excellence in Merchandising of Homes 1954.” Presented at the National Association of Home Builders Convention of January 17, 1955, in Chicago, Illinois.

1957 - Charles V. Simms Development

In 1957, Charles V. Simms founded Charles V. Simms Development and continued the Simms Tradition in single-family, condominium, and apartment developments.

1966 - Ohio Home Builders Association

In 1966, Charles V. Simms served as President of the Ohio Home Builders Association.

1969 - HBA of Metropolitan Dayton

In 1969, Charles V. Simms served as President of the Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Dayton.

1985 - Charles H. Simms Joins the Team

Starting in 1985, Charles began working with his son, Charles H. Simms. They continued to offer innovative home designs in the most desirable locations.

1992 - Oakwood Register Cover

Simms’ Monument Walk in Downtown Dayton was featured on the Distinctive Homes cover in the Oakwood Register. It featured a full article on Dayton’s newest luxury addresses brought to you by Charles Simms Development.

2015 - Community Service Award

In 2015, Charles H. Simms was the recipient of the Community Service Award by the Dayton Area Board of Realtors.

2015 - Ohio Builder Magazine Cover

Written while Charles Simms was president of the Ohio Home Builders Association, this article focused on Charles’ plans for the association in the upcoming year.

2015 - Robi Simms Joins the Team

Robert K. Simms (Robi) starts to work for his father Charles H. Simms as a field superintendent.

2017 - Preservation Dayton

Charles Simms Development receives the Preservation Dayton Golden Hammer Award for the Brownstones at 2nd community built in downtown Dayton.

2021 - Crosby Simms Joins the Team

Crosby graduated from Bowling Green State University with a degree in Construction Management in 2018. He worked in California for 3 years for nationally recognized builders before ultimately returning to Dayton, Ohio in 2021 where he began working for his dad, Charles H. Simms.

2024 - Crosby & Robi Co-Presidency Era

In 2024 Crosby and Robi Simms purchased the company from father, Charles H. Simms, continuing the legacy of building quality homes as 4th Generation builders.


Quality Comes First

Alexander Simms, a major developer in the south and east Dayton areas, pioneered the Simms Tradition of “Quality Comes First.” In a move ahead of its time, Alex’s wife Dorothy ran the business for three years while he served as a fighter pilot in World War II.

Developing A Reputation

In 1957, Charles V. Simms founded Charles V. Simms Development and continued the Simms Tradition in single-family, condominium, and apartment development. Since 1983, working with his son Charles H. Simms, he provided innovative home designs in the most desirable locations and won the coveted National Multi-Family Builder of the Year Award in 1995.

Setting the Standard

A new era began in 1996 when Charles H. Simms carried on the Simms tradition by purchasing his father’s company. Since then, Charlie has built over 1,000 condominiums, townhomes, and patio homes in scores of communities making him the leading maintenance-free builder in the Dayton area. The “Quality Comes First” philosophy continues to be the quality standard for homebuilding in the Miami Valley.

Quality Homes For Years to Come

Charles H. Simms retired in 2023 and entrusted sons, Crosby and Robi Simms as Co-Presidents of Charles Simms Development. With tradition and the quality comes first mentality, Crosby and Robi are excited to continue the Simms legacy as 4th generation builders.

Meet The Team

Crosby Simms


Robi Simms


Tracey Butt

VP Accounting & Finance

John Vance

Project Manager

Heather Soltis

New Home Specialist

Madison Stapleton

Customer/Warranty Service - Administrative & Marketing Assistant - Closing Coordinator

Dodie Johnson

Accounts Payable


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