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Cottages of Beavercreek’s Newest Flag has Meaning

By GroupTwo WebDevTeam

In 2019, Terilynn Corbolotti moved into her new home at the Cottages of Beavercreek. Soon after her parents, Terry and Silvia Seagraves, made the decision to build within same community all becoming neighbors in the fall of 2020. Because Terilynn loved her home and the friendly community, I walked through a market home available two … Continued

5 Steps to a Seamless Move

By GroupTwo WebDevTeam

D”There’s a stage in unpacking during household moves when it feels like I’m auditioning for Hoarders. For weeks I say “Just go around it”. “ -@someecards   Follow these 5 steps to ensure a seamless move. 1. Avoid the leading mistake everyone makes! Don’t move useless items just because you already own it.  Consider the … Continued