Welcome to 63 Grady Court

catapultCommunity Happenings, Downtown Dayton Townhomes, Urban Townhomes

Rubicon Square, tucked away in the Fairgrounds District of Downtown Dayton, is a perfect example of successful urban infill development. Charlie Simms worked closely with city planners and the Rubicon Neighborhood Association to develop attractive townhomes with exterior styling that mirrors the look and feel of this historic district. Only fourteen townhomes have been planned; eight have already been sold. …

New Home Financing May Be Easier Than You Think!

catapultCompany News, Downtown Dayton Townhomes, New Condos in Centerville, Urban Townhomes, Washington Township Luxury Townhomes, Yankee Trace Patio Homes

If you’ve found the home of your dreams, congratulations! This is one of the most important purchasing decisions of your life, and it takes time and research to make the best choice for you and your family. So, now that you know where you want to live, you need to figure out how to make it happen. What’s the best …

Top Ten Reasons to Buy a New Simms Home

catapultCommunity Happenings, Downtown Dayton Townhomes, New Condos in Centerville, Urban Townhomes, Washington Township Luxury Townhomes, Yankee Trace Patio Homes

There are so many reasons to buy a new home. This blog recently took a closer look at the advantages of buying new instead of used real estate, as well as the joys of maintenance free living at The Cottages of Yankee Trace. But why buy a brand new Charles Simms townhome or patio home? Again, we could give you …

Container Gardening

catapultCommunity Happenings, Downtown Dayton Townhomes, Urban Townhomes

One of the chief reasons our home buyers choose Simms condos and townhomes is because the outdoor chores normally associated with home ownership are all taken care of. Maintenance free living means freedom from yardwork. Say good bye to mowing, raking, shoveling, and weeding. For most of us, it’s good bye…and good riddance. Of course, not all outdoor tasks are …