Cottages of Beavercreek’s Newest Flag has Meaning

In 2019, Terilynn Corbolotti moved into her new home at the Cottages of Beavercreek. Soon after her parents, Terry and Silvia Seagraves, made the decision to build within same community all becoming neighbors in the fall of 2020. Because Terilynn loved her home and the friendly community, I walked through a market home available two doors down from my sister and fell in love with it. I began the paperwork to purchase the home but kept it a surprise from my sister and mother/father. I was excited to let them all know I was going to be their neighbor.
A big reason for me purchasing my cottage was that Terilynn had breast cancer that had been in remission for a couple years and was advised that it had returned with a vengeance, and she was going to need to start chemo and radiation again. She said to me, “Michael, I don’t think I can go through that again.” I told her to set it all up and I would be there for her the entire journey. I then told her I was going to be her neighbor two doors down. She was very excited that we were all going to be in the same court. Unfortunately, I moved in March of 2020, and she passed away shortly after.
I had an idea to install a flagpole in memory of Terilynn since we were all together and loved this community. I sent an email to Charlie to get permission to install a telescoping flagpole with a memorial stone at the base. Because he understood what it meant to me to honor my sister, his idea was to install the flag in a common area where I could oversee displaying the flag and he would have it installed and put a light on it to keep it displayed 24/7/365. He asked me to look for a location to install the flag and I thought the perfect location was between the fountain and the dog park because the electric that would be needed for the light. I met with Charlie and his son, Crosby, and they both agreed this would be the ideal location.

I was blown away when I saw the area had been prepped within a few weeks then immediately after the concrete was poured, and the site was ready while we waited for their supplier to get the light in stock.
That was completed in the next couple of weeks, and it looked exceptionally beautiful. Since then, I have received no less than 10 compliments on how beautiful the flagpole is, and the area is perfect. I can look out my window at night and enjoy the flag.
This spring, a memorial stone for Terilynn will be placed at the base of the flagpole. If you haven’t seen this flagpole at night, please drive by and look. It is beautiful and majestic and fits the area perfectly.
Everyone feels it adds to the beauty of the area and this community. All the neighbors at COB are so friendly and can’t wait to start enjoying the fire pit and other amenities this community has to offer.

We appreciate how much Charlie and his family are very concerned about keeping this community happy, healthy and growing, while maintaining its beauty and residents.
– Michael Seagraves
The best way to experience this community is by visiting. Call Bronwyn Graham Duteil at 937-623-4766 to schedule a tour or just stop by the model home at 633 Bungalow Court in Beavercreek. Open 7 days a week! Mon-Thurs 12-6pm, Fri-Sun 12-5pm.