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Simms Community Blog


Everyone Loves Ice Cream

By Bronwyn Graham-Duteil
Sales Representative at The Cottages of Yankee Trace

A big part of life at The Highlands and Cottages of Yankee Trace is our social interaction!  The Social Committee plans quarterly events such as carry ins, an Italian Dinner and Game Night, and the Memorial Day Weekend BBQ. Residents were  excited when summer rolled around to our most recent get together.

On July 26th the Home Owners Association celebrated summer with an Ice Cream Social at the Yankee Trace Community Room.  It was a beautiful day for around 25 neighbors to gather around an Ice Cream Float & Sundae Bar.  Vanilla & chocolate ice cream were the foundation. Residents customized their sundaes with berries, nuts, candies, chocolate syrup and whipped topping. Of course, we also had lots of root beer and cherry coke on hand, because who doesn’t love an ice cream float?  People enjoyed catching up with their friends and neighbors, sharing what they’ve been doing so far this summer. ice cream social

A few neighbors brought other treats; special thanks to Karen Daignault, who made an amazing peach cobbler from scratch. The dish was scraped clean in no time flat!  Sally Baranyi made a cake to recognize the birthday of her next door neighbor, Janet Hild. Of course, everyone joined in to sing Happy Birthday!  We also had our raffle giveaway, always a big hit at our community events.  Lucky winners received gift cards to  Graeter’s Ice Cream, Ritter’s Frozen Custard, Soyo Yogurt and Dairy Queen.

Once every sweet tooth had been sated, we parted ways reluctantly but with eager anticipation of the 2nd Annual Chili Cook-off, scheduled for October.  This will be an outdoor event, held on the lawn next to The Cottages model.  Be on the lookout for the party tent and the aroma of flavorful chili!

Big thanks as always to the amazing Highlands Social Committee:  Jackie Love, Kim Koumas, Sally Baranyi, Nancy Albert, Janet Hild, and Diana Stonis.  To find out how you can become a member of our warm and welcoming community, please call Bronwyn at 937-350-5270, or visit the decorated model Monday-Thursday 12 to 6pm, and Friday-Sunday 12 to 5pm.

Eager for more information about the Cottages at Yankee Trace? Visit our website for floor plans, photos, a video tour of our model home, directions, current promotions, and more.



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