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Springboro businesses are expanding, including Simms Development’s Parkside Row Community!

A recent article in thepic-construction-web-750xx2000-1125-0-38 Dayton Business Journal recently pointed out that Springboro is currently one of the hottest cities in Ohio! Thanks to its geographic location between Cincinnati and Dayton, Springboro has been enjoying the fruits of expansion as many businesses move into the area or expand companies that were already there.

As assistant city manager, Chris Pozzuto, puts it, “Our diverse business base…makes [Springboro] attractive to even more companies to look at us for growth.” The increased corporate development has led to more hospitals and medical centers, as well as more retailers, restaurants and service providers. And all of these things signify a “windayton_children_s_patient_tower_rendering_1_0” for this corner of Warren County.

Several of the expanding businesses in Springboro include Woodhull LLC, an office equipment company, Victory Wholesale Group, Dayton Children’s Hospital and its Springboro outpatient center, data company IO, and Kettering Health Network.

At Simms Development, we’re proud to admit that we saw Springboro’s growth spurt coming. After all, we started planning our Parkside Row community here years ago. Our luxury townhomes are the perfect fit for this rapidly developing area. Prices for the 2 or 3 bedroom plans range from $229,900 to $289,900. And they’re located directly across from Gardner Park, and walking distance to the Dorothy Lane Market and The Marketplace at Settler’s Walk shops and restaurants. Parkside Row is the ideal place to live for young professionals – or even empty-nesters.

Come see these gorgeous, p2016-05-17 12.44.20erfectly located townhome for yourself! Contact Bronwyn Graham-Duteil at 937.623.4766 for more information or to set up an appointment.

Simms Development builds new urban townhomes in downtown Dayton and other surrounding areas including Centerville and Springboro, OH.  Please for more information.



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