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We Never Stop Learning

To be successful in the new home construction industry in the twenty-first century, builders have to do their homework. They must keep pace with the latest innovations in materials, changing ordinances and building codes, and shifting market demographics.

Here is just one example: Charles Simms Development has been building homes in the Miami Valley for over fifty years. During that half century, furnace efficiencies have increased from less than 70% to the current standard of 96% efficient that Charlie installs in every new Simms home. This is not your grandfather’s HVAC.

With the flood of information available to us in this age of technology, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. We can’t do it alone. That’s why Charlie began offering a New Construction Basics seminar to Realtors a few years ago. This April he hosted the latest group of Realtors at the Cottages at Yankee Trace for a crash course in how to sell new homes.  seminar framing

We rely on our Realtor partners to bring qualified homebuyers into our communities. But if those of us in the industry have trouble keeping track of all those changes, imagine the challenge for real estate agents. They track the constantly moving target of the existing home market, as well as changing mortgage rates, lender restrictions, and their own range of laws and requirements.

Realtors are required to complete thirty hours of continuing education credit every three years. Available topics through the Dayton Area Board of Realtors include new laws, ethics, water rights, environmental protection, and many more. By engaging in a variety of classes, a motivated Realtor can maintain her/his competitive edge.

Charlie recognized how important it was for our success to make selling new construction as easy as possible for agents. His solution? Teach them what they need to know.

New Construction Basics covers four topics in two sessions. Each session earns attendees two hours of CE credit. In session one Charlie explains Earthworks & Foundations and Wood Framing & Mechanical Systems. Session two covers Drywall & Interior Finishes and Final Inspection & Closing.

Attendees have the opportunity to walk through homes in various stages of construction. They can ask questions on the spot from a homebuilder. Finally, everyone gathers back at the model home for a complimentary lunch and final review.

Does it work? “Every time we offer this program, a Realtor from the class brings a client back to see our communities, and several of those have converted into sales,” Charlie affirmed. “They know what they’re talking about now, and that makes them feel confident in selling new construction.”seminar group

Bronwyn Graham-Duteil is the Sales Representative at the Cottages. Despite her immersion in new construction on a daily basis, she participated in this round of classes as both a student and a host. Online CE classes are available, but one of the best unwritten outcomes of a “live” class is the opportunity to network. “I think we tend to enjoy the classes where we are actively participating in dialogue with the instructor and each other,” she says.  “It’s always interesting to listen to Charlie talk about new construction, and his experiences as a builder. I think all Realtors should know more about selling new homes. It’s an asset for representing a buyer.”

And if that’s not proof enough, Charlie is already teaming up with the DABR to offer another session of New Construction Basics in three months. Realtors may sign up online at It’s just that easy.



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