Winterize Your New Home For 2020
We can finally say it: winter is coming! While we certainly love the fall, we especially look forward to enjoying our beautiful city in the snow. Before you indulge in all of the outdoor activities, cozy fun, and wintry sights, there are a few steps you can take to completely winterize your new Simms Development home in Dayton.
Winterizing Your Home Checklist
[ ] Sit Back, Relax, and Let Our HOA Do The Work: Our homes are designed for ease, and with you in mind, which is why our HOA (homeowner’s association) does most of the work by maintaining your home’s exterior so you can spend time doing all the things and activities you love. You’ll never have to worry about snow removal or putting down deicer on streets, driveways, or front walkways for your Simms home again!
[ ] Protect Your Pipes: One of the best ways to prevent frozen and burst pipes is to ensure your homes energy efficiency. Take a look at a few tips and tricks to keep your pipes safe. The great news is that your Simms home is insulated to R49 in the attic and between R15-R19 in your walls. Provided the home is heated to a normal level, pipes should not freeze at temperatures above 0-F. If it is unusually frigid it is best to leave cabinet doors open to allow warm air to circulate around the pipes. If you are away for the winter months be sure to set the heat to 65F and shut off the main water supply. This will protect your investment and put your mind at ease while you are away. Your outdoor faucets (and those in your garage!) are freeze proof but you must remove hoses before freezing weather can expand back into the pipe and break the line.
[ ] Pack Up Outdoor Furniture: Although it’s hard to say goodbye to outdoor living for a season, it’s time to pack up or cover the furniture you have on your porch or deck. The good news? Using a weatherproof cover or keeping your furniture stored properly and away from the snow means everything will be in ideal shape when the warm weather returns.
[ ] Lower Your Thermostat: With all of the smart features included in a Simms Development home, daily tasks become significantly easier. While your thermostat learns your personal habits and sets itself, try to set it a little bit lower than you normally would (and dress warmer while you’re home) to further reduce your energy bills. You can also take your programmable thermostat out of setback mode and set it on a permanent hold to make sure the temperature remains consistent all winter long.
[ ] Weatherstrip and Caulk Doors and Windows: In used homes, it is important to make sure to weatherstrip doors and windows, or replace existing weatherstripping in order to reduce your energy bills (and stay as comfortable as possible). Another easy and cost-effective way to keep cold air out of your windows and doors (and keep hot air in) is to fill any cracks or gaps with caulk. Once all of your doors and windows are properly caulked, make sure to keep them closed as much as possible for the coming months. Your new construction Simms home will already have these things in place and has passed a blower test to check for leaks, going forward it is important to regularly check them in your regular maintenance routine.
From all of us at Simms Development, here’s to the winter ahead!